In the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day of Service, Flagship takes great pride in celebrating MLK Day as a day to serve our local communities. On January 15, 2024, Flagship associates committed their VTO (Volunteer Time-Off) time to volunteering with various organizations. Associates are provided the opportunity to volunteer 16 hours a year, and Flagship is excited to see how they spend it! In the Tempe office, the teams united on MLK Day to make a tangible impact for Operation Gratitude, a non-profit organization that offers opportunities for all Americans to express gratitude to our Military and First Responder communities. The associates worked together to assemble 275 care packages.
Flagship believes that Dr. King’s legacy should be honored year-round. Acts of service can be something small or large, formal and organized, or impromptu. Service comes in many forms; even the smallest gesture can significantly impact someone. In 2023, Flagship associates amassed more than 820 hours of volunteering, and they are committed to building on this momentum in the coming year.
Flagship has socialized various additional opportunities throughout the year with approved organizations, laying the foundation for an impactful 2024. Associates eagerly registered for future volunteer activities, demonstrating their commitment to fostering a culture of compassion and community. Here are examples of organizations with volunteer opportunities for Flagship associates in 2024: Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, local food banks, Ronald McDonald House, Boys & Girls Club, Safe Harbor of Chester County, Rae’s Hope, Sending Love to Seniors, and the American Red Cross.
By aligning core values with those of Dr. King, Flagship can continue to create a culture of honesty, respect, integrity, and compassion. Dr. King’s timeless quote, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” reminds all that actions can contribute to positive change that strengthens community bonds.