2020 has been a year to remember. Amid the challenges and obstacles, there was also celebration and joy. Great things happened at Flagship both for the company and for many of our team members in their personal and professional lives. We wanted to hear firsthand from our associates on their triumphs, successes, and patches of light throughout the past year:
“I am grateful to have a company that considered their associates and trusted us enough to work from home.
–Sharon Avery, Loan Servicing Representative III
“I’m thankful to be alive! This year has been challenging in many ways. I recently contracted COVID-19 pneumonia that had me hospitalized. In times of suffering, we draw incredible strength to find peace and understanding, joy, and comfort. I found that through my faith, and the countless friends and associates of Flagship. I’m grateful to be back at work full-time, healthy, and doing my job with a great group of people. Thank you, Flagship, for your support.”
–Marvin Johnson, Georgia South Area Sales Manager
“I am thankful for decisive leadership and transparency at Flagship, especially for thinking of our health and safety first.”
–Jonathan Neumark, AVP of Technology Services
“I am thankful that my family is safe and healthy. I am also thankful for my employer I am thankful for all of the men and women that have made the decisions to allow us to work from home. I am thankful to all my co-workers who have proved to be exceptional workers to keep everything going. I am thankful for the small staff of associates that are still at the office working daily. Flagship has allowed me to be thankful for so many things.”
–Sandra Vescova, Administrative Assistant I
“In 2020, I married a great lady, and I’m now a grandpa. I’m thankful that I continue to work for a great company that has shown how important their associates are by keeping us all safe.”
–Chuck Blommaert, VP of Loan Servicing

“This past May, my daughter graduated from law school, took the bar exam in October, and we discovered on December 1 that she passed the exam. We are very proud of her and all of her accomplishments. I just wanted to share that with everyone.”
–Brenda Fogle, Loan Servicing Representative II
“It is easy to say this has been a reflective year with time to step back from the normal grind and realize some of the best you have is right by you at home.”
–Don Richman, Director of Credit Bureau Operations
“My triumphs are to stay healthy and thrive. My success in life is measured by my role in my family. My patches of light are my grandkids.”
–Enrique Almanza, Jr., Impound Specialist II
“I am thankful for my first grandson, who was born on December 9.”
–Chuck Chrisman, Reporting Analyst II

“2020 has forced us all to slow down, take a breath, and refocus our time and attention on what really matters most in our lives. I’m grateful to have spent another year with the people I love most in this world.”
–Bre Forgione, Communications Specialist
“2020 has been a chaotic year to say the least. Since leaving the office in March, it has been a whirlwind of unknowns. For many, working from home was unchartered territory, with new decisions on how to set-up an in-home office, and how to continue to work efficiently and keep focus. I am very proud to say that I was able to purchase my first home. This year has been eye-opening, and I am extremely grateful to work among people who lift instead of limit. I am thankful to each and every person that I encounter and hope that if nothing else, I am a positive light to those around me.”
–Rachel Schwartz, Project Manager
“To work for a company that choose employee safety and being able to work from home. Having the opportunity walk more than one million steps for charity this past summer. American Red Cross for giving me the chance to donate platelets and plasma to help others in their time of need. Ultimate group of peers – my awesome Compliance team! Love beyond measure from my supportive husband.”
–Charlotte Ford, Vendor Management Specialist
“This year, expressing gratitude seems more essential than ever. It’s difficult not to focus on all of the negative things 2020 has brought some of us and what we’re all missing out on. I, however, have a lot to be thankful for, and made the most of what started off as a not-so-promising year. My wife and I found out on Mother’s Day that we would be expecting our first baby in January of 2021! I got engaged, married my best friend in October, and we found out the gender of our baby with an outside reception/gender reveal with some of our closest friends and family…IT’S A BOY! Although 2021 doesn’t seem all that promising, I plan to make the most of it by bringing in the New Year with my new family!”
–Brandon Lane, Desktop Support Technician
“In this craziest of years, I am most thankful for God who continues to amaze me with His blessings; my family and friends for their unconditional love and support; my colleagues for their continuous encouragement that helps make work fun and a great place to be; my mantra, ‘Never leave for tomorrow what you can do today,’ which probably saved Christmas; and my Real Appeal workout videos and Apple Watch from Benefits – because investing in yourself, especially in times like these, is so important to our overall health. Stay safe and always find the bright side in any situation.”
–Susanne Stead, AVP of Talent Development
“In September of 2020, I was able to make a big step and get my first apartment with two of my closest friends. It has definitely been a great experience entering that next phase in my life. Soon after, we adopted two guinea pigs, Cocoa and Stella, who we’ve been able to spoil and enjoy spending time quarantining with, as they became part of our family.”
–Kristen Woerner, HR Assistant III

“I was very thankful for a couple of reasons in 2020. For one, our son was married in August in a small ceremony. We were also thrilled to add a new member to our family with our newest grandson!”
–Kathy Koch, VP of Legal and Compliance
“With the state of the world now, I have grown to learn and appreciate the smaller things and treasure my loved ones more. I am also thankful for Flagship that I still have a growing career. Taking a quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt – ‘When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.’”
–Arona Ross Hutchinson, Administrative Assistant II